Downtown Shenandoah, Inc.(DSI) is our founding partner and the creator of CEBA.

Downtown Shenandoah, Inc. (DSI) is a group of business and property owners, residents and concerned citizens who have a communal desire to see Shenandoah return to a position of prominence and prosperity.

Our vision is to return downtown Shenandoah to an active pedestrian-oriented business district that will promote and sustain further economic, cultural and civic growth within the Borough of Shenandoah.

Our mission is to stimulate economic development by encouraging cooperation and building leadership in the business community; to develop a marketing strategy that will provide an improved retail mix, strengthen the tax base, increase investor confidence; to build a viable tourism effort; to promote a unified, quality image of downtown Shenandoah as a center of goods and services; and to create an attractive, coordinated visual impression of Shenandoah through facade improvements streetscape and historic preservation of our existing buildings.

Visit the Downtown Shenandoah, Inc, Website